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Antisthenes of Athens | Jerome, Letter 66
<blockquote>Yet to be a perfect and complete Christian it is not enough to despise wealth or to squander and fling away one's money, a thing which can be lost and found in a single moment. Crates the Theban did this, so did Antisthenes and several others, whose lives show them to have had many faults. The disciple of Christ must do more for the attainment of spiritual glory than the philosopher of the world, than the venal slave of flying rumours and of the people's breath. It is not enough for you to despise wealth unless you follow Christ as well. And only he follows Christ who forsakes his sins and walks hand in hand with virtue.
antisthenes_of_athens/jerome_letter_66.1389763238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/02 14:28 (external edit)